What is the experience of ” best tampons” used by women?

A tampon is a common feminine hygiene product that is a thin cotton tube made of absorbent material used to collect blood during menstruation. The benefits and new advantages of tampons are described below.

Tampon Benefits:

Tampon Convenient to use: Tampons are more convenient compared to sanitary napkins and can be carried around without interfering with daily activities such as exercise.

Tampon Concealment: Tampons are designed in a smaller shape to achieve a concealing effect and make people feel more comfortable and natural.

Tampon can reduce odor: the use of tampons can reduce the outflow of secretions, reduce the production of odor, to maintain the cleanliness of private parts.

Tampon No need for frequent replacement: Compared with sanitary napkins, tampons can be used for a longer period of time and are less prone to leakage, reducing the frequency of replacement.

Tampon Reduce environmental pollution: Tampons are recyclable materials, which reduces environmental pollution compared to sanitary napkins or other disposable products.

Tampon Freedom of movement: Using tampons allows freedom of movement without the constraints of a sanitary napkin.

New Service:

1. Difficult to use: The proper use of tampons requires some skill and experience and may cause discomfort and pain to first-time users.

2. Risk of messaging: Failure to clean and replace tampons properly when using them may increase the risk of messaging.

3. May lead to gynecological problems if used improperly for a long time: prolonged use of tampons, especially when resting at night, may lead to bacterial growth, which may cause gynecological problems.

4. may cause excessive dryness: the use of tampons may cause excessive dryness, leading to discomfort and painful sensations.

5. Higher price: Compared with traditional tampons, tampons are

In recent years, tampons are a big fire, which is a cotton cylinder, placed in the vagina can absorb menstrual blood, no worries at all about menstrual blood measurement leakage or soiling of pants. But in our country women prefer tampons, so what is the difference between sanitary napkins and tampons.

What is the difference between sanitary napkins and tampons?

1、Difference in the location of placement

Sanitary napkin is the most commonly used daily, directly tear off the sticky strip, paste in the panties on the line, so that the flow of menstrual blood can be quickly absorbed. But tampons are placed inside the body, in the internal direct absorption of fixed menstrual blood.

2, the design process is not the same

Sanitary napkins and tampons in the design process is completely different, sanitary napkins present a piece of rectangular, with a certain thickness. Tampons are rod-shaped rectangular.

3、Different classification types

Sanitary napkins are divided into dry and super soft according to the material, and now there are cotton soft and liquid sanitary napkins on the market. According to the different absorption amount is also divided into day, extended and night use. Tampons are divided into paper and plastic long catheter tampons, finger tampons and plastic short catheter tampons according to the type and material.

4, the replacement interval is not the same

External tampons should be replaced at least once every 2 hours, but it should be decided according to the menstrual blood and body quality, and women with heavy menstrual flow need to shorten the replacement interval. Tampon replacement interval should not exceed 4 hours to avoid bringing harm to the body.

Women with tampons need to pay attention to what?

1、Clean hands before using

Not clean hands before using tampons or tampons placed in the body for too long, may appear toxic shock syndrome. Because during menstruation, women’s resistance is weak, if you do not pay attention to hand hygiene, some bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus may enter the vagina or uterus, thus causing a series of diseases.

2, master the correct way to wear

Tampons are also divided into different models, you must pay attention when buying to see how much your period, and then choose the right model of tampons, but it is worth reminding that you must choose the regular manufacturers, so that the use of more secure and safe. Many people feel very hard when placing tampons because they do not have the correct method of placement. You may want to sit on the toilet with your legs slightly open, you can also stand with your feet slightly bent apart, which can make the vaginal opening slightly open. Once the tampon is inserted, remove the exterior and inner tube together. However, the thread of the tampon must be exposed outside the vagina and can be removed by pulling the thread directly after use. If you can’t find the thread, you need to do your best to defecate so that the tampon can be expelled from your body. If this method does not remove the tampon from your body, you should seek medical help immediately to avoid unexpected consequences.

3, diligent replacement

Tampons can also cause side leakage and infection. To avoid this problem, try to change them every 3-4 hours, and not more than 8 hours at the longest. According to the amount of menstruation to determine whether to take out, you can also look at the cotton line whether there is menstrual blood oozing out, if there is blood on the cotton line, it means that it is time to change. If the cotton thread is contaminated when you go to the toilet, the tampon should be changed immediately.

Warm Tips

Not all people are suitable for tampons, women suffering from vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and other gynecological diseases are not suitable for tampons to prevent secondary infection and aggravate the condition. Women with intrauterine devices with tails in their bodies are also not suitable, because the device will be affected by the interference of the tampon and its effect. Do not use tampons at night because there is a risk of infection for too long, and it is best to use a larger and longer sanitary napkin at night. You must wash your hands before using a tampon and not take any chances.

