What do safety pants look like?

“Menstrual pants” are a kind of pant-type sanitary napkin. The names on the market also include safety pants, night pants, sweet sleep pants, etc. Many girls are often deeply troubled by the problem of vaginal leakage when they are in their uterine period. Especially some girls who are very active and “tossing and turning” while sleeping are often worried about their careless movements. It stains clothes and sheets, so “menstrual pants” were born to solve this problem for girls.
Safety pants are different from traditional sanitary napkins. The full-circle design of the pants and the adhesive function on both sides of the buttocks make it very fast and comfortable for girls to use, and can achieve the effect of zero side leakage during sleep.

Let’s compare the specific differences between menstrual pants and traditional sanitary napkins.
The Function of safety pants Many girls should know very well that when using traditional sanitary napkins, even if they choose the longest sanitary napkin currently on the market, side leakage or rear leakage will still occur accidentally while sleeping at night. Many girls often cannot sleep peacefully in the past few days, resulting in poor sleep quality, which can even affect their mental state the next day. This is mainly because due to the effect of gravity, menstrual blood will flow downward along the curve of the human body’s groin. However, the graphic design of traditional sanitary napkins currently on the market is difficult to fit perfectly with the body, so no matter how careful you are, the problem of side leakage is hard to prevent! Therefore, if designers blindly increase the length of sanitary napkins, it may be possible to solve the problem of back leakage to a certain extent. problem, but the problem of side leakage cannot be solved. Moreover, too long tampons will make people extremely uncomfortable in the sultry weather in summer. They are not breathable, stuffy, and can even cause skin allergies…I I think girls who have used this kind of giant sanitary napkin should have a deep understanding of it. Safety pants almost completely cover the buttocks. Not only do they reach the length of traditional sanitary napkins, but they also properly fill in the dead spots of absorption that are prone to side leakage at night. They fundamentally solve the problem of side leakage that girls worry about. No matter how you change your sleeping position, you can feel at ease. I slept till dawn!

2. How to use safety pants. Before many girls prepare to buy menstrual pants, they are afraid that using safety pants will be more troublesome. Of course, compared with the traditional method of using sanitary napkins, safety pants will be a little more time-consuming.
1. Wash your hands before use. In fact, whether you are using traditional sanitary napkins, tampons or safety pants, you must wash your hands before use. Because you are in direct contact with your hands when using them, if you don’t wash your hands, the bacteria on your hands will contaminate the sanitary products, which will easily lead to infection problems over time. Both of them are also the most easily ignored by many girls. Therefore, you must remember to wash your hands before use. .
2. Use and replacement: After opening the independent package of menstrual pants, just put them on as you normally wear underwear. When wearing menstrual pants, you need to take off the pants before wearing them, but you do not need to take off the pants when changing. This This is because general menstrual pants have adhesive designs on both sides of the police department, so just tear the two sides apart. Some people may ask whether it is necessary to wear small underwear after wearing menstrual pants? In fact, it is not necessary. Menstrual pants are equivalent to disposable underwear. Moreover, they are usually only used at night and will not be worn out. …. Some people complain that menstrual pants look like large diapers, but! You cannot pee in menstrual pants! First of all, their water absorption is not as strong as diapers, and secondly, in terms of safety Urinating under pants can easily cause urinary system infections. Therefore, you should pay attention to personal hygiene during your period to avoid urinary system infections and reproductive system inflammation.