The world’s largest single household paper production base was built in China

Recently, from Jiangsu Rudong Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone came good news, the provincial major project – the first phase of the Golden Light Rudong industrial base project 24 production lines fully put into operation, the same day the production of “Qingfeng brand” pumping paper 1500 tons, marking the world’s largest, annual output of 780,000 tons This marks the completion of the world’s largest single household paper production base with an annual capacity of 780,000 tons in Rudong.

The project is invested and built by Indonesia’s Golden Light Group, which mainly produces “Qingfeng”, “Weijieya”, “Zhenzhen” and other well-known brands of high-grade household paper and tissue paper. The project planning land 8500 mu, in three phases of construction, with a total investment of 45 billion yuan, of which, the first phase of investment of more than 10 billion yuan, covering an area of about 2500 mu, including seven production lines. “The first phase of 24 paper machines are now all in operation, and when the project reaches full production, annual taxable sales will exceed 10 billion yuan, and annual profits and taxes will reach more than 1.8 billion yuan.” Lin Weisuke, deputy general manager of Golden Red Leaf Paper (Nantong) Co., Ltd. told reporters that since the first paper machine was put into operation on June 26, 2021, the base has been efficiently pushing forward the project construction at the rate of one new paper machine per month, and in December last year, it was a series of five new paper machines, laying a solid foundation for the project to go into operation on schedule.

It is understood that, as the key project of the intelligent manufacturing and digital strategy of the Group, the production process, equipment and control system adopted by the base of Rudong Industrial Base are the most advanced in the world in the same industry, which can not only produce high-quality products, but also achieve high efficiency and low energy consumption. “Using digital and intelligent equipment to transform the production process, the power consumption per ton of paper has been reduced from 800 degrees to less than 600 degrees, while the production efficiency has increased by 25%.” Lin Weisuke told reporters that the base relies on 5G, cloud computing and “Industry 4.0 + artificial intelligence” and other advanced technology concepts, the use of MES, DCS, WMS and other advanced production data automation system and AGV, RGV, RFID and other production automation equipment, the paper, processing, logistics and other aspects of organic It has realized the digital coverage of the whole process from suppliers to paper mills to customers, and has achieved information data, management modularity and production automation, which has greatly improved the overall operational efficiency of the supply chain.

At the same time, around the goal of building a green, energy-saving, environmentally friendly technology industrial base integrating science and technology, advanced manufacturing and circular economy, the project adopts all imported APP Group’s own bleached wood pulp for raw materials, and adopts the highest standards in the construction of supporting projects such as cogeneration centers and wastewater treatment stations, which can make the air pollutant emission index during production reach ultra-low emission standard, and the treated water quality is higher than the strictest Class A standard of paper industry and urban wastewater discharge, truly realizing clean production.


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