The most complete baby diaper tips 2

“Four Questions” when using diapers,Diaper tips

Diaper tipsQ1. Can be used for both male and female babies

Are they the same diapers?

sure. It is best to choose diapers with a longer inner absorbent layer for your baby. In this way, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, the urine will be absorbed quickly after peeing, reducing the contact time between skin and urine.

Diaper tipsQ2. Will diapers affect

What about the fertility of baby girls?

As long as they are used correctly, diapers will not affect the health of baby girls. However, as a mother of a female baby, she should pay more attention to her baby’s butt than a mother of a male baby. Because diaper rash is more likely to affect baby girls. Therefore, when using diapers, mothers should change them frequently for their babies to keep their baby’s bottom dry. For example, use some baby skin care products to protect your baby’s skin from moisture. If you find that the redness of your buttocks is severe, it is best to have it checked by a doctor.

Diaper tipsQ3. Baby boys use diapers for too long

Will it cause infertility?

will not be affected. Whether using diapers or diapers, it will increase the temperature in the baby’s scrotum. But so far, there is no evidence linking diaper use to male infertility. Male infertility is a multifactorial disease involving many causes, such as genetics, development, environment and nutrition.

Diaper tipsQ4. Will wearing diapers cause

Is the baby’s umbilical cord inflamed?

Not as long as diapers are used correctly. A newborn baby’s umbilical cord usually falls off 3 to 7 days after birth. Pay attention to disinfecting the navel with 75% alcohol after each bath for one to two weeks.