What is Ramadan?

Ramadan The 9th and holiest month of the Islamic year, Ramadan is a time when Muslims from all over the world dedicate themselves to working on their spirituality.  Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar – the timing is based on sightings of the crescent moon which means that the dates vary from

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Best News Russia Bans SWIFT

Russia Bans SWIFT-Notes that the Central Bank of Russia has de facto banned Russian financial institutions from using the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) international settlement system for domestic transactions, meaning that SWIFT is only allowed to be used for international payments. Russia Bans SWIFT-Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry made it clear on

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What kind of diapers do the elderly with incontinence use?

What kind of diapers do the elderly with incontinence use? Disposable absorbent underwear products, sometimes called “adult diapers” or briefs, help those living with urinary incontinence and/or bowel incontinence keep their symptoms from interfering with daily life. People with medical conditions which cause them to experience urinary or fecal incontinence often require diapers or similar

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