How often do pet dog take a bath?

Dogs generally take a bath once a week or two in summer, and once a month in winter is enough. Pet dogs have a special skin structure, and frequent bathing will irritate the skin and may cause hair loss.
And you can’t use human body wash, it is recommended to use pet-specific bath shampoo. At the same time, you need to prepare absorbent towels, water blowers and other tools before taking a bath. Finally, you should choose a time when the temperature is higher to take a bath, and at the same time shorten the bath time as much as possible to prevent the pet dog from catching a cold or catching cold due to bathing.
Tips for bathing your pet dog
1.Bath water temperature
Adjust the water temperature appropriately according to the season or climate. In summer, the water temperature can be controlled at 36-38 degrees Celsius, while in winter it should be slightly raised, around 40 degrees. Before bathing your dog, test the water temperature with its paws.
2. Use pet shampoo
Do not bathe pet dogs with human body washes, shampoos, or low-quality lotions. If the pH is different, using too much will damage the dog’s skin. It is recommended to use a suitable pet body wash.

3. Comb hair before bathing
Before bathing your pet dog, it is recommended to comb its hair to remove all knots, because after it gets wet, combing may hurt the dog.
4. Dry the hair in time after washing
After bathing the dog, be sure to blow dry or dry the dog’s hair in time. One is to reduce the dog’s cold or skin problems, and the other is to prevent the dog from rubbing around and getting dirty again. Washed for nothing